Monday, January 9, 2012


Welcome to my new home!

I have decided to make the transition to Blogger, (obvious right!). I have been using WordPress since I began on my journey not so long ago. After using it for a while I decided that I didn't like the look of it and the lack of customization available.

I write most of my posts on my BlackBerry and having a WordPress app was the main point for me to actually start using that site, now there is no such app (at the moment at least, please make one) for Blogger yet I can email my posts to the site and edit them before posting.

So if you have me bookmarked or on your blogroll then please update your links and point them here.

If you have just stumbled upon this blog then read the beginning of my story here. I will leave that blog up for a while, in fact I may just leave it there permanently.

Another thing you may notice is that my name has changed, I can assure you that I am the same person. Not long after I first started Cassini wrote a little about my blog (here), I would like to draw your attention to this little excerpt...

".....and I have one suggestion for Bubbles (aside from adopting a more masculine name - you ever been to a West Ham game?) which is to read this post!Actually, having just read a little more, I have some further suggestions."

And as I replied in my own post (here) it is a combination of my sons first nickname "Bubbles" (for a couple of days anyway, because he kept on blowing bubbles) and his middle name "Brian" , my deceased fathers name. Now I have decided to just stick with Brian, simply because it is simple and easy and I'm hoping people will take me more seriously now.

As this is a new blog I am trying out different colour schemes to see what I like, so "don't adjusts your sets" if the colours go all weird on you.

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